III. Waterfall

Scientific inquiry, pursuit of deeper understanding.  

Evidence revealing our minds to be powerfully united, creative in the deepest sense.


The mission here is to adventure into better understanding by examining the nature of who we are scientifically.  To craft an updated worldview.

Another river bend

Useful in this endeavor are results that stretch conventional constraints, those results we can’t explain without a change in our root assumptions: misfits in yesterday’s understanding,

Fish that fly

Surveying this landscape, an intriguing set of studies surfaces as notably curious, under the term, “Human-Machine Anomaly”.   In these experiments, a process with near 50/50 odds is setup – say an electron splitting left/right.  Its tendencies are measured.  Then, the variable they test is to add a person into the mix, who has instructions to intend for a certain outcome in the experiment, e.g. “Electron Left”.   Does their intention shift the physical behavior?

Evaluating this across conglomerates of studies, there is a measurable effect – the intention somehow presses an impact into physical reality.  The electron more often goes left.  This is a gamechanging reference point! 

Some related phenomena of interest were that:

  • People working in pairs achieved stronger effects, and even more so if the two shared an emotional bond  
  • The intention can be set in the past or future, from near or far – space-time is no barrier. 

Our Mind straddles Space-Time and shapes an Impact

Major shifts in understanding.  (refAssessing the Evidence for Mind-Matter Interaction Effects)

Now we’ll consider more studies like this, then we’ll examine a way of making sense of all of this.

For further data, we can look at Remote Perception – studies where a person looks at an object, while someone else, located far away, attempts to percieve what they are viewing.  A test of non-local perception, or being able to receive information across classical time-space constraints.  This has been evaluated by many experiments to measure out as a real phenomena.  (ref, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence: the case of non-local perception, a classical and Bayesian review of evidences”, ref2 Anomalous Cognition: Remote Viewing Research and Theory )

The ‘receiver’ can discern the image in the past or future of the original person’s viewing.  This again is stretching our linear way of defining reality.  It’s agreeing with the math: we live in a multi-dimensional universe.  The future is not seperate from now.  Space can be transcended by the mind.

Another set of studies is Precognition – sensing the future.  Laboratories find that our mind can do this.  (ref “Feeling the future: A meta-analysis of 90 experiments on the anomalous anticipation of random future events”, ref2  “Predicting the Unpredictable: 75 Years of Experimental Evidence”)

Again, defying Newtonian law – we are not linearly bound.

Another misfit is Remote Healing, which is a test of our capacity to heal from a distance.  Studies indicate this too is possible.  Placebo effect accounted for, blind samples, multiple labs.  (ref, “Distant Healing Intention Therapies: An Overview of the Scientific Evidence“)


Finally, let’s consider Quantum Entanglement which is the instantaneous exchange of information, particle to particle, across fast distances.  Occuring through some interconnection.  Nothing as seperate as it seems.  An energetic grid that is alive and informed like a wave – as a whole.


Implicate Order

What does this mean?

For the misfits to be occurring, some dimension of interconnection must be featured in reality, in which our minds are participating.  This means we are connected – the whole thing is one.  We are an individual (like a particle) and the whole thing (like a wave).

Also there is a formative, guiding capacity of the place.  Remember, we can make electrons go left.  Imagination and Intention shape our experience, quite literally. 

It is all created, always and forever.  That is what the math shows, as we will now see.

To develop this, enter David Bohm into the scene – a physicist who worked at Princeton in the same era as Einstein, who, as an aside, respected Bohm so much as to say that if anyone would move quantum physics forward, it would be Bohm.  

Bohm created a model to account for this ‘guiding process’ that shapes reality.

Bohm grants there is an aspect of reality that is whole, or Interconnected.  He calls this the Implicate Order – An energetic gestalt, like a holagram.

It generates a guiding field – information – that informs and unites all of creation.  Our mind is connected within this.  Again, this is the Implicate Order, which is shaping what we think of as physical reality, or the Explicate Order.

We each have a radio antenna receiving a signal about the state of our environment.  We are recieving information, and broadcasting our own thoughts, emotions, desires, energetic stream.

This radio signal is a ‘real’ energy, that imprints physical reality.  We are in a living Creation.

Implicate (inner) giving rise to Explicate (outer)  

Breathe in, Breathe out  

All one – energetically connected

Shaping ourselves via a creationary endeavor 

This model gives us a backdrop for understanding the misfit data.

For example, we could interpret the machine anomaly phenomena.  In this way, the human intention (‘electron left’) can be seen as pressing into the Implicate Order, thus afecting the guiding information field and the behavior of the process.

Overall this is the understanding that creation is happening here and now, not seperate from you and I.

Co-Creators in a Connected Gestalt

Game Changing 

Change of Course

This is incredible.  Summarizing, the indications we have on the changing currents are as follows:

  • There is an interconnection to the universe that transcends the ‘space-time’ fabric that we classically understand.  Quantum Entanglement.  
  • Our mind shares in this ‘non-local’ interconnection.  Remote Viewing.  Remote Intention.  Precognition.
  • Our mind can guide physical processes. Machine Anomaly.  Remote Healing.
  • A model for reality formation includes a united creative process.  David Bohm

This is good news on the deepest levels!    


United, we are One.  

Shaping reality.

This can become very real to you.  Of the utmost joy.


Primal life force.  Desire to be.

Embedded within us. 

A personal fragment.

Touching the evident why – each being a living answer.

Feeling how.  The impulse that defies logic. 

The spark, charged impetus to overcome.  I am.

The obvious.

Resources (Books and a Link to Science Articles)

  • The Source Field Investigations
  • Wholeness and the Implicate Order
  • Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory
  • Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities
  • Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness
  • Energy Medicine: The Physical Evidence
  • Interpersonal Neuroscience of We
  • Brief History of Everything
  • Real Magic
  • Research Data